Monday, April 8, 2013

Inquired career paths in such organizations

Once all said and done, I will definitely consider or telling myself a job well done and that you are on your way sir! Through all required training/courses for gaining knowledge in the aviation industry, I have learned the professionalism, safety, management, some flight technology and the skills to maximize profit for any organization or should I say association I choose to work for.  There are few associations that I am willing to start my career and put my knowledge into use.  As a senior and upcoming graduation, I’ve been wondering what’s out there in store for me in the industry.  Who or what professionals am I go run into and meet?  What is the best financially stabled company to work for?  With these thoughts in my head, I want to make sure that everything is nearly perfect once I step foot into the aviation world.  

First, let’s talk about the upmost proper approach used entering into the aviation industry.  In the aviation world, professionalism is top priority.  Professionalism is acting in a mature, business-like manner, abiding by regulations and company procedures, creating a good line of communication of flight or management related information between flight crew members, employees and customers, and treating co-workers and customers respectfully. Professionalism also includes doing nothing that you believe may degrade safety.  As Dave Higdon stated in his article, " “Professionalism is a mindset, a state of mind, a commitment to being the best… anything less is unacceptable,” in which I totally agree.  Either you are a Flight or Management major,  “knowledge” is also fundamental as another pillar in the foundation of professionalism, and while training is important, exposure to the real world is imperative to the accumulation of knowledge. Similarly, “courage” is required in order to accept the responsibility of flying; courage to respect the challenge of an unforgiving environment, and the courage to recognize that mistakes will happen. Conversely, it’s not courageous to be stupid (Higdon, 2009).  Let’s not forget to professionalize your resumes as well.

I’ve always kept an eye on what available job positions are open in the field of aviation and most likely those in operations.  However, doing that on career sites doesn’t always help.  I realize that joining and becoming a member for certain associations can be quite helpful on finding your dream job or at least help get you started in aviation.  Click here for a list of some of the most common used associations for benefits, subscriptions, job postings, networking, information etc in the aviation industry.  For example, AAAE (American Association of Airport Executives) is one association that provides a variety of information for your needs and request.  AAAE is the world's largest professional organization for airport executives, representing thousands of airport management personnel at public-use commercial and general aviation airports (AAAE, 2013).  Additionally, it post available job openings in the industry in which I'm always browsing through.  I've utilized this site because it provides me the information I'm looking for such as job postings, events, updates on different airports in America and else where, workshops, seminars and informative magazine subscriptions about the aviation industry.  I can probably say that it will help find me a job in Aviation Management.  The website has totally grab my interest when I first started the aviation program at Eastern Michigan University 2010.  When time permits, I will travel and start participating in their events and seminars they have throughout each year. 
My second interested organization that I utilize but not yet a memeber is the NBAA (National Business Aviation Association). The NBAA is the leading organization for companies that rely on general aviation aircraft to help make their businesses more efficient, productive and successful.   By me having the background knowledge in business administration, this website provides me information on how to maximize profit for aviation organizations, help aviation do successful business and how to be a pro at it.  Each associate here works together and shows the success they bring by doing fundraisers for certain aircrafts, advertising, aviation safety; another top priority in aviation, operation controls for certain PART's (125, 135),  and so on.  The website also provides you a member benefit NBAA management guide on how to do business aviation management.  An addition to the website, the NBAA post many available national and international management jobs in which is great for me because that's what I'm searching for as my career path in aviation.

In all, I am certain that I will be able to find that dream job I want to pursue in aviation by constantly utilizing these 2 organizations website and hopefully soon participate in their yearly events/activities.  You never know who you may run into down the road and that whoever it is maybe able to help or make you become successful.  Take my word for it, take advantage of an association that you think can benefit you because it will help you in the long run.

Thanks for reading,

AAAE. (2013). Membership benefits. Retrieved April 8, 2013, from, ip/membership_benefits/
Higdon, D.  (2013, March).  Safety Matters: Professionalism.  Retrieved from:

NBAA.  (2013).  Membership benefits.  Retreived from:


  1. I definitely agree that professionalism is very important in this industry. Being clean shaven, wearing nice clothing, proper language, etc. is all very important in helping one succeed. I think it is pretty cool that you are looking into the NBAA. There might be a potential career position too! Good luck with that Sir!

  2. I like that you point-out the criticality of professionalism in aviation. What many people overlook when discussing professionalism is what it means to your attitude toward your career once you already have a job. Professionalism is the constant striving for personal improvement, no matter how good you are at something. If you were the best airport manager that ever lived, you would still be looking to find ways to improve the tasks that you are successfully completing. Just because Wilt scored over 100pts in a game once does not mean that someone cannot score 150pts someday, and I bet he tried. You will often notice that those who are considered the best at something do not measure themselves against others, they measure themselves against their own ideals. If we all did this, we would achieve quite a bit more in our lives.

  3. I like how you point out professionalism and respect being top priorities in the aviation industry because you are right, without those qualities safety is degraded. Using professional organizations for job searching is very important to me as well and helps reduce wasted time searching for something relevant. I agree that being a member of a professional aviation organization will benefit you in the long run, and in many ways.

  4. The NBAA is a great organization very professional and knowledgeable. I have used them as a source for every single one of my research topics for my research class. After reading your article and doing further research on the NBAA i believe that they are another organization i would consider taking part in. Thanks for the Blog post
