Tuesday, April 16, 2013

My future plans in Aviation and elsewhere...

Not only in this course that I've learned the experiences of other aviation professionals but have learned what to expect and how to acheive the career goals I want in aviation.  It has been a long journey for a promising future and that I'm nearly done with earning my Bachelors Degree in Aviation Management and is ready to step foot into the professional world and gradually become successful.

As for me, my career plans still remains the same.  However, I still plan on going back for my Masters in Supply Chain Management in which I have a joy in working in the logistics environment as well.  Aviation will always be my number one career goal and to hopefully have luck finding a job within just a few months after graduation as an operations manager for any department or organization within the aviation industry.  I will always keep on the look out on certain aviation associations websites for posted job opportunities and try to take advantaged of its vacancy. Aviation will always intrigued me because it is one of the few industries that is always changing and evolving, and professionals that strive for a long term career must be able to adapt and change with the environment.

I'm glad to say that I enjoyed all the guest speakers.  They were very informative on the challenges they've encountered and describing to us what to expect in the future of aviation.  However, the most interesting speaker to me, was Aubrey Grohowski who pursued her career in corporate aviation.  Although, she's a flight major, I was very intrigued on her struggles and challenges she faced to get where she's at now; enjoying the traveling life and what she do.  She makes a great example for students; that making sacrifices truly pays off at the end if you stick with what you want to achieve.  I want to also say that Mark Johnson, an Airport Manager, was quite interesting as well because he trully showed how he became successful in forming a airport (Livingston County Airport) together and in which I'm looking foward to do as well one day in the future.  As he was showing the steps he performed to do such a task, I can remember the same steps I've been taught in Adamski's Flight Operations course last semester at EMU.  

As for blogging with other students, throughout this long semster; from beginning-to-end, I felt as though I was a Google blogger fanatic researching interesting topics and posting them for other students and even other professionals to comment their opinions on. The best topic to research and explain upon on was Boeing vs. Airbus.  I always like competition and to see these two major companies modify their jets for efficiency in every aspect for the passengers, flight crew and the aircraft designs is quite interesting. The technology use to get the work done is what draws my attention.  The least interesting topic was the EU-ETS.  In my opinion, it won't have a too much of an effect for me as a operations manager and that I could careless about European policy to combate climate change.  Sad to say that this would be the 1st time I've ever blogged with other individuals such as students and other interested professionals in aviation. Nevertheless, this was a learning experience for me alone and other students who has never blogged. 

After graduation, as mentioned before, I'm hoping to get hired in a entry-level position that offers growth opportunities and allows me to utilize my leadership skills and experience in the aviation industry. Also, I will be attending many seminars, activities (volunteer work) and events given by associations/organizations year round for better in depth experience.

Overall, this course has kept me aware in many regards. Many of the topics we talked about are things that we will be engaged the moment we step foot into our new jobs. Each topic had a realistic impact to our class and each one of our individual careers.  If anyone out there who is aware of any job opportunities, please comment on my blog. 

I want to wish everyone the best of luck in your future endeavors!!

Thanks for reading
Ryan Pride

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